
invitation from Love

Unlock the secret chamber in your heart
and let Love

the power of Love

In experiencing the flow + wonder of Life ...

We allow the turning of the key...

as You are reading this, You are Opening the Door!



the tower of babel falls in to the arms of Love...

Our universal language


Conscious TV

must see interviews on Conscious TV

Jac O'Keeffe, 'Born to be Free'

Suzanne Foxton, 'No Body In Particular'

what women know through 'their hearts'

a man's true strength lies in his surrender to the feminine 

[quite opposite to the way of a noisy mind]

You may hear the ego say:  "this is weakness"

here lies the truth of bravery: 
allowing* the unfoldment of peace

throughout the heart of Being

sink In to the Ever Present passion of the Heart!

*allowing just happens


[a] love divine

the longing and its fulfillment expressed in this
infinite moment
from the bottomless depth of the heart
heart without chambers and walls, only endless open


no mind can be there

a mind disintegrates without a trace in its air


Mandi Solk 'The Joy of No Self'

Happy reNew Us!!  LOL!!!

click on title to meet Mandi and hear her interview on Conscious TV!!