
In Our Nature

as the feminine leads the walk

back to Source


the masculine naturally follows


this goes out to All the people in the world
who do not know that it is their birthright
just to

...the Love that ... We Are




Clearly Here Now

what Is clear (to me) now... is that every person comes In to awareness of the Divine Feminine.... through the female...

what I mean by this...
a person has to have, in a sense, a direct experience with their own essential feminine nature... to Awaken... to be Aware of Awareness in a deepening~way
it is possible for a man to experience this withIn himself... though not as easy to come by, alone, so to speak...
how that experience manifests for each person, cannot be known... or directed, or sought out...

...Only through Opening...
(and) this occurs spontaneously...Intuitively...

through aware Intuition~way, a man becomes conscious to this... holding a resonance with the necessity to allow vulnerability through... "letting go" {so to speak} of the mind .
To know that the history of mankind... has been just that...only his story... and he Is open to dropping the whole story, so to speak...
unfolding beyond it...going the distance...

[articulating this... that...Is conveyed without words]